Grounded postures requiring minimal movement of the head and neck
Seated poses
Reclining poses
Supine poses
- Sukhasana: take it easy and make it steady
- Dandasana
- Marichasana: a good reminder that the rotation is meant to occur at the base of the torso, not at the neck
- Virasana: directing all feelings of torture into the feet, ankles, and legs will help make an immobilized head and neck seem all the more blissful.
- Baddha konasana: add a little reflexology -- big toe and second toe correspond with elements in the head and neck.
- Siddasana
Reclining poses
- Jathara parivarttanasana: often practiced by turning the head to the side opposite the knees. Just don't turn the head!
- Supta padangusthasana
Supine poses
- Cobra: good one to practice keeping the head and neck neutral, since this pose is often exaggerated with demonic head and neck movements.
- Balasana